1905: Energy audit of commercial buildings (RGE)
1717 : Energy audit in industrial
1313 : Complex Heating installation study
1323 : Complex HVAC engineering
1406 : Complex Electrical installation
1420 : Complex Electricity engineering
1214 : Thermal isolation of the building study
0103: AMO Technique
The CBCP certification
The skills of 2 ENEOR engineers in this area were validated by obtaining the title « Certified Building Commissioning Professional ».
The CMVP certification
The skills of 3 ENEOR engineers in this area were validated by obtaining the title « Certified Measurement and Verification Professional ».
ENEOR is the first independent design office in France led by certified experts for the use of IPMVP protocol (According to the latest list published by the EVO).
The CEM certification
The skills of 1 ENEOR engineer in this area were validated by obtaining the title « Certified Energy Manager» by AEE (Association of Energy Engineers) who’s also a member on Spain Chapter.
Electrical clearances
ENEOR electrical engineers are also entitled the High Voltage (HV) and low voltage (BT).
Or clearances HOV,B1 B2, BR, BC, BE, B2V
Illustrates the expertise of the company and its engineers in Commissioning and Retro-commissioning