ENEOR - Measurement & Verification (IPMVP)
Measurement & Verification (IPMVP)

Measurement & Verification (IPMVP)

A simple comparison of gross energy consumption is not sufficient to assess the impact of energy saving measures. A number of parameters may change over the life cycle of a building or an energy installation: climatic conditions, usage, activity, production, etc.

From this starting point, ENEOR has developed a Measurement & Verification (M&V)methodology, based on the international IPMVPprotocol.

Recommended for EPCs by MEEDDM (French government ministry for ecology, energy, sustainable development and the sea) and ADEME, this is used to define actual energy savings in an independent, auditable and comparable way.Its rigour and methodology mean that the audit procedure can be verified and monitored by third-parties and counterparties. This means it is particularly suited for the implementing or correctly quantifying energy savings.

M&V, combined with ENEOR's skills in metrology and commissioning, helps us to bring our expertise to bear for:

  • EPCs and contracts with Energy Performance Guarantees
  • Performance monitoring of an energy performance improvement action
  • Assistance for project owners or energy efficiency service companies (Société de Services en Efficacité Energétique)
  • LEED certifications (achieving EA Credit 5: Measurement and Verification - 3 points)
Exemple de courbe de consommation d’énergie avant (période de référence) et après (période de suivi) les actions d’amélioration de la performance énergétique.


ENEOR has three engineers whose expertise in this sector has been underlined by obtaining the title of Certified Measurement and Verification Professional ».

ENEOR is therefore the leading independent engineering consultancy firm in France, run by experts who are certified in the use of the IPMVP protocol (according to the most recently published list from EVO).