ENEOR - Message from the President
Message from the President


I started my career in the exciting world of energy 20 years ago. Over the years I have completed hundreds of energy audits of industrial, commercial and retail. This led me to conduct my clients profound reflections on the impact of energy costs on their income statements, concerns for energy optimization, changes in energy prices, the environment, human comfort … 

In parallel, it is undeniable that we are inescapably enrolled in a new era of ECO-responsibility : ECOlogical or environmental and ECOnomical. The coexistence of these two responsibilities is entirely possible.

We must all be particularly respectful of the co-responsibility requests : national and international public sector, energy suppliers, operators, energy service companies, technical and environmental consultants … 

There is not a moment of opportunism. Rather, this moment is extremely important in the future of energy management, from production to consumption. We need skilled and stable players whose rigor, technical , performance and pragmatism are daily.

Based on these observations, this accumulated experience, and a healthy ambition to bring different values into this market , we have created ENEOR.
Joan Banach