What makes ENEOR stand out from other markets?
ENEOR Energy is an independent consulting firm distinguished by a positioning of technical expertise, innovation and R&D preponderant. Illustration of this ambition, ENEOR is the first French independent Office of Energy Studies led by certified engineers CMVP (IPMVP protocol).
One of our main ambitions is the creation of value for our customers.. In other words, to allow our customers to control all of the issues associated with energy and value on the time. We firmly believe in the cohabitation of eco-responsibilities. The investments in the field of economy of energy and the impact on the value of the activity of our customers (rehabilitation of the heritage, profitability, reduction in loads, increase margins, …) are not in opposition. Instead, the right equation for these two parameters to maximize the preeminence of each concept. The leverage effect is entirely possible.
We support our clients throughout their energy optimization projects by providing a complete package sitting on four fundamental pillars:
- The technical quality and management of projects of our engineering teams
- The latest computer technology generation
- The metrology tools to our customers and our R&D missions